Yakima Chief Hops HyperBoost
YCH Hyperboost packaging


Yakima Chief Hops | Yakima, WA

Following the launch of DynaBoost™, we conjured up more magic with Yakima Chief Hops for YCH 701’s graduation from its trial phase. Now known as HyperBoost™, this concentrated hop oil conjurs cold-side sorcery across several hop varieties.

YCH Hyperboost Brand Book
Yakima Chief Hops HyperBoost Logo Assets

Our work wasn’t done after naming and branding HyperBoost™. To ensure success in market, the product needed to be supported across all touchpoints. We created web banners, social media posts, print ads and packaging for a full product launch.

YCH Hyperboost Animation
YCH Hyperboost Ad
YCH Hyperboost Animation

Spreading the word

Passionate beer drinkers are just as excited about product innovation as the breweries that use them. To bring HyperBoost™ awareness to consumers, we armed breweries with an array of assets and packaging templates to support their HyperBoost-ed beers.

YCH Hyperboost Collab Kit
YCH Hyperboost icon
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